Description: <DIV STYLE="text-align:Left;font-size:12pt"><P><SPAN>This dataset depicts Tribally controlled lands at the parcel level for all Land Area Codes (LAC) held in trust by the United States. The Division of Land Titles and Records (DLTR) compiled the data to support the Bureau of Indian Affairs Tribal Reservations. The source information for the parcel records are from the Trust Asset and Accounting Management System (TAAMS), which is the system of record. This parcel data depicts location of Tribally controlled parcels for all Land Area Codes (LAC) held in trust by the United States. A parcel is a subdivision of a tract.</SPAN></P></DIV>
Service Item Id: 38c352eac089499ea6c383f196bb6ff8
Copyright Text: This GIS Dataset is prepared strictly for illustrative and reference purposes only and should not be used, and is not intended for legal, survey, engineering or navigation purposes. No warranty is made by the Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) for the use of the data for purposes not intended by the BIA. This GIS Dataset may contain errors. No legal inference can or should be made from the information in this GIS Dataset. The GIS Dataset is to be used solely for illustrative, reference and statistical purposes and may be used for government to government Tribal consultation.
Description: <DIV STYLE="text-align:Left;font-size:12pt"><P><SPAN>This dataset depicts Tribally controlled lands at the tract level for all Land Area Codes (LAC) held in trust by the United States. The Division of Land Titles and Records (DLTR) compiled the data to support the Bureau of Indian Affairs Tribal Reservations. The source information for the parcel records are from the Trust Asset and Accounting Management System (TAAMS), which is the system of record. This data depicts location of Tribally controlled tracts for all Land Area Codes (LAC) held in trust by the United States. A Tract may contain multiple parcels. </SPAN></P></DIV>
Service Item Id: 38c352eac089499ea6c383f196bb6ff8
Copyright Text: This map data is registered to BLM GCDB and is otherwise created, compiled, and maintained by the Division of Land Titles and Record (DLTR)
Description: <DIV STYLE="text-align:Left;font-size:12pt"><P><SPAN>The Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) American Indian and Alaska Native Land Area Representations (AIAN-LAR) dataset is complied from The American Indian Reservations / Federally Recognized Tribal Entities dataset which depicts feature location, selected demographics and other associated data for the 561 Federally Recognized Tribal entities in the contiguous U.S. and Alaska. Categories included are: American Indian Reservations (AIR), Federally Recognized Tribal Entities (FRTE) and Alaska Native Villages (ANV). Although Alaskan Native Villages are included in this description, the Alaskan Native village point feature dataset should be used to represent ANV along side this dataset in any maps depicting Tribal lands. The Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) American Indian and Alaska Native Land Area Representations (AIAN-LAR) dataset is complied from The American Indian Reservations / Federally Recognized Tribal Entities dataset which depicts feature location, selected demographics and other associated data for the 561 Federally Recognized Tribal entities in the contiguous U.S. and Alaska. Categories included are: American Indian Reservations (AIR), Federally Recognized Tribal Entities (FRTE) and Alaska Native Villages (ANV). Although Alaskan Native Villages are included in this description, the Alaskan Native village point feature dataset should be used to represent ANV along side this dataset in any maps depicting Tribal lands.</SPAN></P></DIV>
Service Item Id: 38c352eac089499ea6c383f196bb6ff8
Copyright Text: The BIA Indian Lands dataset’s spatial accuracy and attribute information are continuously being updated, improved and is used as the single authoritative land area boundary data for the BIA mission. This data are available through the Bureau of Indian Affairs, Office of Trust Services, Division of Land Titles and Records, Branch of Geospatial Support.